Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A life of a Myanmar refugee

In the modern world today as we know, everything may seem to be easier, least to say in most countries. But this may not be the case for the Myanmar refugees as they seek cover from others, what more than their very own countries. Back in their country, they are forced to vote for the government to control them. If their decision proves otherwise, they might never see the light of another day.

They seek cover in our country in the jungles and survive as if they “were” from the jungle. It’s hard enough for some of us to go trekking into the jungle and build our own tents and survive on tin cans of food but these Myanmar people do it every day and night. Their source of water comes only from the river and at times from the outside, not to say it is to be any much of benefit to them as well. Bathing in rivers is not 100% clean. The food they eat itself may not be clean and this may lead to diseases. One myanmar refugee has said due to this, his sister is described as a walking skeleton. These from the experience of one night being in the jungle, to live their lives in it is hell.

From resources such as, it's even more surprising to see that the government is torturing these Myanmar refugees by caning them. "We no longer find Malaysia a safe haven," said Zafar Ahmad, president of the Myanmar Ethnic Rohingyas Human Rights Organisation Malaysia. "At least 80 Rohingyas have been caned previously." It is seems that from this point of view, the government is torturing the people it should protect. There was even a video of the torture spreaded across the internet for world wide to see. In the video, a naked man is shown strapped to an upright wooden frame, his rear exposed to a uniformed official who lifts a meter-long rattan stick above his head before bringing it down on the prisoner's buttocks, tearing the flesh with each strike. Making the headlines on some of the European newspaper, this has forced the Malaysian government onto the defensive.

They never had the benefits of what we have, enjoying everyday freedom of whether not hanging out with friends or even spending time with family. They live their lives in fear as illegal people running from their own country just because their decision is different, not to say they’re a threat to the country. To make matters worse, they’re hunted and very ill-treated by our so called Malaysia's controversial volunteer security corps. Many were forced into becoming porters and carry their food and boxes without even being paid anything at all. “Life is meant to be enjoyed with” but this phrase is far lost in their dictionary. With such conditions of pressure from not only their own country, but the Malaysian government as well, these Myanmar refugees live in terror and fear. To them, anything can happen, anything bad at any time and at any how. A life of a myanmar refugee.

Post done by Blogging Committee(3) :
(Ram, Sean, Wyn Yau and Han Yang)