Friday, August 15, 2008

Morality 3Ws 1H

Why should people contribute?

In the year 2007,the global number of refugees has keep on increasing and displaced people reached 67 million.According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR),there has been an increase in the last two year.

People from the entire world should contribute to the victims because of the situation they are in and they are from other country living in a foreign land.People should protect the rights of refugees as they are one of the most vulnerable gropus.The UNHCR must continue the dialogue with the refugees' host countries to shop the arrest,detention and deportation of refugees due to their vulnerable situations.

As we are living in a peaceful country and have a stable income,we should be kind and willing to help one another when they are in need.The refugees would also need the basic needs such as clothes,shelter,food and many more.We should try our best to contribute some to them as a little contribution that each person give,will create a better future for them.

As mentioned earlier,refugees are as the same as we are in need of the same protection,assistance,education,safe environment like other.Due to the reason they are from the other country,the host countries should not discriminate as they are also human that need love and cares.

Refugees are to issue temporary documents to allow refugees to stay and work legally.By allowing refugees to work,we could also contribute to the economic development of the host country.This has gave benefits to both party.When the refugees have a job opportunity and a stable income,it would prevent them from doing illegal ethic such as robbery,prositution and many more.

Who Should Help Myanmar Refugees?

  • All classes of citizenz should contribute and help them.
  • Should give monthly supporters or even global medical assistance
  • They can help by giving additional shipments of medicines and medical supplies
  • Besides non profit organisation should also contribute to the myanmar refugees
  • Even with a small amout of money they can ensure children to attend school so that they can start building their future
  • It is important for them as it can provide young refugees with shelter materials they need to build home.
  • Supports and money given can help them acquire skills to earn a living and are able to provide malnourished young refugees with food supplements in order to stay alive.
  • Therefore,each and everyone of us plays a part in contributing and giving donation to the myanmar refugees.
  • Caring for refugees through UNHCR monthly contribution is an affective way to make a different in the life of myanmar refugees.
  • Last but not least on going support means we can plan better and commit to keep being there for refugees.

When to contribute to Myanmar Refugees

Often,we don't know when should donate.This is because people generally think that donation is only given when they have money.Of course,you can donate when you are rich,having excessive fortunes that we do not have idea where to spend for.Or you suddenly found out that money seems to be meaningless to you.Or you just quarrel with your boyfriends(s) or your girlfriend(s) and would be very happy to do a good deed in respect of him/her.Normally,most of us feel we are too busy to take the time to pull some bills out of our wallets,or maybe we don't have any to spare.But did you know that most charities at this time of the year are requesting clothing and food items?Just a trip to your pantry or closet can provide comeone with a few needed essentials from your excess.Or a simply visit to the charity place would be very helpful.So,that is no such saying that when we should or when we suppose to donate.This depends on you to find out when is the time to give some support to the helpless ones.It can be the time when you search the internet,it can be a school or college projects,it can be when you saw two or three volunteers pass by the place you have your lunch.It is not a matter of time.It is a matter of heart.

p/s:You would also be likely to donate when you found out your income chargeable for tax is too high.Take note,any cash donation to approved society is deductible from tax

How to contribute to Myanmar Refugees

  1. Learn
  • Learn about their cultures

~Each culture has a unique identity just as each individual has.Learning about the history customs,and values of Myanmar culture will help you understand the needs of the Myanmar refugees and the special challenges they might face.

2. Advocate

  • Publicize your experiences with Myanmar refugees.

~Use the media to spread the word about service to refugees.Human-interest stories that portray positive experiences of interactions between communities and newcomers help foster welcoming attitudes toward refugees.

  • Share your knowledge with others.

~As you learn about the needs and cultures of Myanmar refugees-including how policies affect them and why we should serve them-Share your newfound understanding with others in your community.

3. Give

  • Give material donations.

~Local affiliates appreciate contributions of large items such as furniture or kits of smaller items such as cleaning supplies to help newly arrived refugees settle in their new homes.Kitchen items,household items,toiletries and clothing are also welcome gifts.Beyond these basic needs consider giving creative gifts such as a welcome kit including maps of the local community with key services noted,bus schedules,phone directories,coupons,and stamps or long-distance phone cards to keep in touch with folks back home.

  • Establish a scholarship program

~Scholarships of even a few hundred Ringgit Malaysia can provide much-needed encouragement to Myanmar refugee youth as they pursue higher education

  • Give donation in monetary form

~People who want to contribute to Myanmar refugees in monetary form can donate their donation to the approved organization

4. Support

  • Support refugee employment

~If you are an employer,consider how refugees might fit into your workforce.If you are aware of refugee cottage industries,purchase their handicrafts and help them avoid exploitation.

  • Support community services for Myanmar refugees

~Community services such as libraries and hospitals may need resources and assistance to translate forms and server non-English speaking populations.

Post done by Blogging Committee(3) :
(Hazel,Chai Hooi,Jenny,*Yee chien)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Desperate Cry For Help

What’s with Malaysians & Their Wretched Attitude?

The culture of giving aid should be adopted by us as it is very noble. Even a small amount of money is enough. So, why do Malaysians still do not give enough aid to the Myanmar Refugees right here in Malaysia?

The riot that happened in Lenggeng in April has probably left an adverse impression on Malaysians. About 60 Myanmar nationals believed to be political refugees torched an administrative building and threatened Immigration and RELA personnel with injury apparently after they were told that their application to move to a third country was unsuccessful.

This incident may have instilled a sense of fear in us. Many Malaysians would ask “ Why should I give aid to them when they are causing havoc in my country?”. However, only a handful are involved and there are so many others out there who desperately need aid.

Furthermore, the government’s relentless raids on the Myanmar Refugee camp had added more salt to the wound.

Lack of publicity about Myanmar Refugees is also one of the cause why Malaysians do not give aid to them. Most of the stories published in local newspapers these days revolve around Anwar’s sodomy case.

There is also lack of awareness about Myanmar Refugees in the education system. For example, secondary school students are forced to memorise moral values to excel in the subject instead of learning how to be a good global citizen.

As you all know, corruption in
Malaysia is very rampant. Therefore, there is a high chance that we have a mindset that those in charge of collecting aid for the Myanmar Refugees are corrupted.
Recently, when a local citizen was interviewed on why he refused to give aid to Myanmar Refugees, he said, “ How would I know if they (those in charge of collecting aid for Myanmar Refugees) don’t give the aid to them (Myanmar Refugees) and take it for themselves?. After all, this is
Malaysia. If this occurs, it would not even be shocking.”

Moreover, many Malaysians make giving aid to the poor and needy locals their top priority.
Malaysia ranks among the most unequal societies in Southeast Asia in terms of income distribution. This sparks Malaysians to help their own instead of the Myanmar Refugees.

Giving aid is also not a part of our culture. Researches at the University of Oregon reported that, people contribute out of “pure altruism”- the pleasure of seeing the others well being improve- as well as for the “warm glow” they feel as the result of doing a good deed. The fact is, Malaysians are still very self centered. Instead, the negative practices of corruption, racism, the worship of leaders and mediocrity is deeply ingrained in our culture. Until such selfishness is forsaken, Malaysians will indeed continue to give pathetic amounts of aid.

In the CACE National Advisory Council April 2002,

Dr. C. Everett Koop addressed three major barriers to morality in today's society:

  • The lack of proper education on personal accountability, crude utilitarian thinking and lack of opportunity to be with positive role models.He referenced a trend on college campuses of "every student a victim," where the student is not responsible for anything. As soon as a student has a problem, "it must have been his mother, father, the President, the kid next door, or society who did this to him." This lack of personal accountability releases one from the need for personal ethics.

  • Lack of proper education on personal accountability. This includes family failures where children simply aren't taught the discipline of responsibility. This also includes failures in the education system at all levels. Colleges are not immune to this indictment

  • Lack of opportunity to be with positive role models. This includes the fact that many celebrated role models have had significant failings, thus leaving a legacy of inconsistencies and disappointments.

Mr. Don Holt identified four major obstacles to the moral life: relativism, inconsistencies, ambition verging on greed, and complacency. He argued that when one has no sense of moral absolutes, there is no progress to be made in discussion regarding the moral life.

Holt sees many inconsistencies in public life, and what troubles him most is the failure to follow through with one's commitment. These inconsistencies ranged from governmental missteps, such as the internment of Japanese citizens during WWII, to televangelists committing marital infidelities. He also sees inconsistencies in the lives of society's role models. As a news magazine editor for many years, Holt saw a great deal of expedience disguised as necessity or virtue. For instance, a company may close a plant without regard to the communities and people involved, or company management justifies the withholding of information concerning dangerous products.

Mr. Holt also expanded on greed. Greed is closely connected with ambition and, consequently, is honored in our society. Greed is often a hidden, more personal barrier, where very few other people will see it. The ambition of climbing up a company or social ladder can cause people to do things that they would not normally consider.myspace layout

Finally, Mr. Holt addressed the issue of complacency, or laziness and sloth, as these will hold someone back from making any progress in moral life.

Identifying Barriers:
Mr. James Anderson used a flipchart to list the barriers mentioned by Mr. Holt and Dr. Koop. He then gave all in attendance the opportunity to suggest additional barriers. From these suggestions, Mr. Anderson created a master list. Each participant voted for four items on the master list, listing them in order of importance. Of course, the results are merely suggestive. All participants saw this exercise as a preliminary step leading to further discussion and inquiry.
Raw Data-Master List:

  1. Lack of proper education on personal accountability.

  2. Excessive access to materials which are “over the edge.”

  3. Lack of opportunity to be with “positive role models.”(Editorial note: Similar to 5 (as relating to personal role models/government)

  4. Relativism. (Editorial note: Similar to 8.)

  5. Inconsistencies among personal role models and government; expediencies disguised as virtue.

  6. Greed/ambition.(Editorial note: Similar to 11 and 5 (as relating to expediencies disguised as virtue).

  7. Complacency/comfortableness.

  8. Acceptance of tolerance as a guiding principle.

  9. Family failures. (Editorial note: When families fail, opportunities lessen for positive role models and education in morality.)

  10. Lack of integrity in government despite claims to it; hypocrisy.

  11. Crude utilitarianism; evaluation in light of cost/benefit.( Editorial note: Similar to 6.)

  12. “Bondage to sin;” nature of man/seared conscience.

  13. Ignorance of/lack of respect for the Bible.

  14. Misguided zealous leaders.

Sources :

In order to increase morality in everybody around us, moral and simple culture ethics should be emphasized and taught to children when they are still young. This is because younger children tend to listen more often than they argue. As a matter of fact, children usually remember well and learn up moral values and manners as they grow up. Moral values which are precisely instilled in children will lead them throughout life.

Children need good role models. Most of us are oblivious to the fact that not all adults are good role models. We should change our mentality and set good examples to children and the young alike as they look up to us and are easily influenced by us. Children also tend to mimic the actions of those they respect as they think its right. This is also the very reason that children should be molded and be instilled with moral values when they are young.

Morality can be defined as a system of determining right and wrong that is established by some authority, such as a church, an organization, a society, or a government. As citizens of a country, we should exercise our rights and make sure that our government plays their part in shaping the future generations. Governments have the power to control the content and method of educations which will ultimately affect the minds of young people. On another note, they could also stop immoral habits such as calling names during parliament sessions. They can be depicted like a parent to kids in other words, citizens of the country.

Religion is one of the major factors that influence people’s perception on things. When a person has a religion, he or she will think wisely of what are the right things to do or what should and shouldn’t be said. Basically religion is a guideline to living. The thought of having a divine being watching over us and judgment day is important to humans. Believing that sinners will be punished and the good will be rewarded keeps things in order.

“Morality knows nothing of geographical boundaries or distinctions of race.”

- Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

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The quote above by Herbert Spencer, a prominent English philosopher, clearly explains by itself the extend of courtesy that should be embodied within our human race. It is the fundamental guideline to change the mindsets of people towards eliminating ethnical barriers that will disrupt the balance of a nation. To date, the idea of inculcating moral values in our society has always been prioritized yet many are still not willing to give helps, rude and ignorant not only towards their peers, but also towards their families. It is a sad fact that some people will never amend. Morality generally increases bonds, ties and relationships. People will feel a secure sense of modesty and friendliness coming from one another, and that, ultimately will lead to global peace and tranquility.

The benefits that emerge from that can be seen in economical, social and political spheres of a nation. The developments and improvements in those aspects will obviously be exceptional. When people see eye to eye and respect each other in a way, business and marketing are easier to carry out, and probably the only method of gaining the respect they need is through manners. “Hello”, “I’m sorry”, “Please” and “Thank you”; short and simple, yet meaningful and extravagant. Use them. Simple and polite phrases are good for socializing and thus lead to better understanding towards each other. This very concept is used for generating successful and continuous diplomatic relationships between countries or continents. In the field of politics, morality ensures no corruptions. Biasness or favoritism, and even bribery will only be the things of the past. A perfect and ideal world can be created; although that is only a thought for there is no such thing as a totally flawless world. Nevertheless, if we can make it near perfect, it will be a remarkable step for mankind.

I am sure that everyone knows very well on how important morality is and any further explanation will just be a repetition of points or a cliché to your ears. I will let you yourself imagine what will happen from this point on.
Let’s contribute our helps to save the world!!! ^.^


Myanmar refugees have sought shelter here for some time now and yet many Malaysians are still unaware of these people living alongside us. This is mainly because minimal coverage is done by the local media when reporting issues that have little to do with our people, our economy or even our politics. We are ignorant to the fact that these refugees go through much hardships and sufferings trying to make a living here in order to survive. Malaysians are generally a caring bunch and although constant aid giving is not practised by everyone here, the nation has compassion towards the plights of those in need regardless of where they come from. The majority of us lead comfortable lives and can certainly afford to part with a little money to help those who are not as fortunate as us.

However, there is no denying the fact that in Malaysia, there is always room for corruption. Who is to say that our aid workers do not have other intentions in mind when collecting donations?

Malaysia needs to step up efforts in helping these refugees.

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Post done by Blogging Committee(4) :
(Francis, Winnie, Amy, Hui Yi and Carmen)